Black Friday Online Deals DOOGEE TURBO DG2014 5.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (OGS,IPS,Quad Core,FM,WiFi,GPS) Instantly
DOOGEE TURBO DG2014 5.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (OGS,IPS,Quad Core,FM,WiFi,GPS) is seriously an awesome stuff for a amazing price, worth every cent. Truly joyful. Hot Deal DOOGEE TURBO DG2014 5.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (OGS,IPS,Quad Core,FM,WiFi,GPS)
Price : $138.19 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : fe4e1ae6f77fb82dfd10bd01b5a58ca2
Rating :
If you are likely looking to buying product at a superb quality together with an acceptable offer. We extremely advised this DOOGEE TURBO DG2014 5.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (OGS,IPS,Quad Core,FM,WiFi,GPS) is among top high quality and more prominent item product that you are searching for. Even if you study it very carefully about item specification, attributes and helpful customer overviews, naturally you need to certainly not refuse to get it one. You could take a look at the existing price via the web link here.
DOOGEE TURBO DG2014 5.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (OGS,IPS,Quad Core,FM,WiFi,GPS) Description
Hardware Platform:MT6582; RAM:1GB; ROM:8GB; Support extend card:32GB; Camera:13 MP; Front Camera:5 MP; SIM Card Slot:Dual SIM; Display Size (Inch) :5.0; Screen Resolution:1280x720; Screen Type:IPS; Ringtones Type:MP3; FM Radio:YES; Stand-by time:Up To 150 hours; Talk time:Up To 3 hours; Features:Ultra-thin; Packing List:Skin set,User manual - English,Power adapter (110-240V 50/60Hz) ,Phone to USB cable,Rechargeable Li-ion battery,Wired stereo earphones with built-in MIC and clip,Cellphone; Screen Size (Inch) :4.6-5.0; SIM Card Type:Micro SIM Card,SIM Card; Capacity (mAh) :1750mAh; CPU Type:Quad Core; 2G:GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz) ; 3G:WCDMA (850/2100MHz) ,EDGE; Brand:DOOGEE; Service Provide:Unlocked; Operating System:Android 4.2; Connectivity:Bluetooth3.0,WIFI,3G; Messaging:MMS,SMS; Dimensions / WxDxH:14.29x7.14x0.63cm; Color:Black; Net Weight (kg) :0.1087; Languages:French,English,Chinese,Romanian,Chinese-traditional,Vietnamese,Korean,Simplified Chinese,Malay,Spanish,Indonesian,Russian,Danish,Pilipino,Greek,Slovak,Turkish,Czech,Norwegian,Hungarian,Italian,Portuguese,German,Japanese,Dutch
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
DOOGEE TURBO DG2014 5.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (OGS,IPS,Quad Core,FM,WiFi,GPS)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$138.19 |