2014 Black Friday Deals Double-Gusset Double-Strap Flapover Portfolio & Computer Case Instantly
Can be a safe compared product features and value. Double-Gusset Double-Strap Flapover Portfolio & Computer Case is a good option to pay for. Hot Offer Double-Gusset Double-Strap Flapover Portfolio & Computer Case
Price : $179.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : Brookstone
Product ID : 32b91805b94a8355c9e7089ae82f86c8
Rating :
If you are searching to buying item at an awesome high quality as well as an affordable spending plan. We extremely suggested Double-Gusset Double-Strap Flapover Portfolio & Computer Case is among premium and more popular product product that you are seeking. Also if you examine it very carefully concerning item information, functions and handy consumer comments, of program you should not decline to buy it one. You could take a look at the latest price via the hyperlink under here.
Double-Gusset Double-Strap Flapover Portfolio & Computer Case Description
Rich full grain cowhide leather exterior. This Flapover Portfolio and Computer Case has a double gusset, flapover construction with secure tucklock closures and fully lined interior. Features: Front pocket organizer holds a variety of business essentials including a cellular phone Front compartment features a padded computer pocket to accommodate a laptop with up to a 15.6" screen and three padded open accessory pockets Spacious rear open compartment Rear exterior open pocket for easy access to frequently needed items Removable, adjustable and padded shoulder strap Materials: 90% Colombian Leather/ 8% Poly Lining/ 2% Hardware Dimensions: 15.75 " L x 11.75" W x 5.75" H Weight: 3.1 lbs.
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