Black Friday 2014 Double-Gusset Expandable Top-Zip Portfolio & 15.4" Laptop Case Review
When you have to compared gadget benefits and value. The Double-Gusset Expandable Top-Zip Portfolio & 15.4" Laptop Case is a good option to spend money on.
Price : $179.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : Brookstone
Product ID : 0ad647ce3538530f016769f7941eb947
Rating :
One of superb item is consist of Double-Gusset Expandable Top-Zip Portfolio & 15.4" Laptop Case certified through a bunch of reviews from genuine consumers confirmed that Double-Gusset Expandable Top-Zip Portfolio & 15.4" Laptop Case is great and useful product and really worth the money that they paid. If you have any problems concerning the features of the product or desire to check the existing price of this product. Exactly select the link below, you will find a profitable offers that undeniable.
![Double-Gusset Expandable Top-Zip Portfolio & 15.4](
Double-Gusset Expandable Top-Zip Portfolio & 15.4" Laptop Case Description
Rich, full grain cowhide leather exterior. This Expandable Top Zip Portfolio and Computer Case has double gusset, top zip construction with fully lined interior. Features: Front exterior gusseted zipper pocket includes an organizer to hold a variety of business essentials including a cellular phone Front compartment expands for greater carrying capacity when needed and features three padded open top accessory pockets and a padded computer pocket to accommodate most laptops with up to 15.4" screen Rear 3-file divider Exterior front and rear zipper pockets for easy access to frequently needed items Rear exterior attacher strap fits over most upright handles Comfortable top handles Removable, adjustable and padded shoulder strap Materials: 90% Colombian Leather/ 8% Poly Lining/ 2% Hardware Dimensions: 16" L x 12.75" W x 6.5" H Weight: 3.1 lbs.
If you are undecided on whether to buy Double-Gusset Expandable Top-Zip Portfolio & 15.4" Laptop Case or not, the way to assist you determine this problem is to study multiple customer reviews of this product. Read numerous evaluations to discover whether it is a product that encounters your precise demands or exactly what this product could give you some absolutely useful or are you could overlooked some drawbacks of it. So all of that make you get a buying with a good factor and worth the cash you pay.