Black Friday Online Deals Eagle Creek - Pack-It Specter Mini-Tablet Sleeve (3) - Strobe Green
Eagle Creek - Pack-It Specter Mini-Tablet Sleeve (3) - Strobe Green is truly nice on what it really really does. Save you money and time through buy at trustworthy online merchants. Hot Deal Eagle Creek - Pack-It Specter Mini-Tablet Sleeve (3) - Strobe Green
Price : $47.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Eagle Creek
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Product ID : f53ddfed9103bdc234f3a48d94b39002
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Eagle Creek - Pack-It Specter Mini-Tablet Sleeve (3) - Strobe Green Description
Kindle, e-Reader, or Mini Tablet? This padded lightweight sleeve helps protect your device while the Power Port enables a convenient in-sleeve power recharge.
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Eagle Creek - Pack-It Specter Mini-Tablet Sleeve (3) - Strobe Green
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$47.95 |