Black Friday 2014 Ads eForCity Micro USB Chargers Kit for Cell / Tablet - 2-Port Car Charger Adapter + 3FT Noodle Cable - Pink Review
When you have to in comparison item functionalities and cost. The eForCity Micro USB Chargers Kit for Cell / Tablet - 2-Port Car Charger Adapter + 3FT Noodle Cable - Pink is a wonderful substitute for decide to purchase. Hot Deal eForCity Micro USB Chargers Kit for Cell / Tablet - 2-Port Car Charger Adapter + 3FT Noodle Cable - Pink
Price : $5.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : eForCity
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Product ID : d75c32a315895637d681c4bdca0a4d79
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eForCity Micro USB Chargers Kit for Cell / Tablet - 2-Port Car Charger Adapter + 3FT Noodle Cable - Pink Description
eForCity Micro USB Chargers Kit for Cell / Tablet - 2-Port Car Charger Adapter + 3FT Noodle Cable - Pink Type: Car Charger Adapter / Cable Compatible Phone Manufacturer: Universal Specifications: includes: 1 x Car Charger Adapter, Pink/1 x Micro USB cable Features: USB charger adapter charges your PDA from any standard cigarette lighter
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eForCity Micro USB Chargers Kit for Cell / Tablet - 2-Port Car Charger Adapter + 3FT Noodle Cable - Pink
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$5.99 |