Black Friday Online Deals Ergotech VersaStand Universal Tablet Desk Stand Don't Miss
Over-all this Ergotech VersaStand Universal Tablet Desk Stand is very well produced, works amazingly, I most definitely look into the buy online is worth the budget. Hot Deal Ergotech VersaStand Universal Tablet Desk Stand
Price : $102.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Ergotech Group, Inc
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Product ID : 437674afa35796b309f51034bf30f436
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If you are usually taking into consideration to getting product with an extremely good quality as well as a sensible offer. We highly advised this Ergotech VersaStand Universal Tablet Desk Stand is one of top-notch and additional preferred item item that you are looking for. Also if you learn it carefully concerning item specification, attributes and useful consumer overviews, certainly you need to not refuse to acquire it one. You can check the existing price from the link here.
Ergotech VersaStand Universal Tablet Desk Stand Description
The patented VersaStand Desk Stand is a one-of-a-kind folding aluminum tablet desk stand that comes complete with a Universal tablet mount. Industrial strength construction allows VersaStand to remain lightweight but high-quality for constant performance and usage. The easy quick connection makes attaching and detaching your tablet from VersaStand effortless and smooth. The ability for VersaStand to fold almost flat allows for easy transport while traveling. VersaStand comes with a 1 Year Warranty. Manufacturer: Ergotech Group, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: FDM-UNIV-VSDS Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Ergotech Product Line: VersaStand Product Model: FDM-UNIV-VSDS Product Name: VersaStand Universal Tablet Desk Stand Product Type: Tablet PC Holder Product Information: Application/Usage: Tablet PC Product Information: Placement: Desktop Product Information: Features: Lightweight Physical Characteristics: Material: Aluminum Package Contents: VersaStand Desk Stand Universal Tablet Mount Compatibility: 6 - 8 Tablte PCs
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This Item Available from 2 Store
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Ergotech VersaStand Universal Tablet Desk Stand
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$102.99 | ||
Versastand Universal Tablet Desk Stand FDMUNIVVSDS
Merchant : CompSource |
$101.00 |