Black Friday 2014 Ads EU Plug AC Wall Charger Adapter Power Cord for ASUS Eee Pad TF201 TF300 TF101 15V 1.2A Review
EU Plug AC Wall Charger Adapter Power Cord for ASUS Eee Pad TF201 TF300 TF101 15V 1.2A is certainly a very good gadgets at the awesome offer, worth every penny. Really satisfied.
Price : $7.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 56d5d5dab7f75c0daae795e7f8e5ec3b
Rating :
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EU Plug AC Wall Charger Adapter Power Cord for ASUS Eee Pad TF201 TF300 TF101 15V 1.2A Description
For:Asus; Type:Chargers; Features:Rechargeable; Color:Black; Material:Plastic; Cable Length (cm) :150; Dimensions (cm) :1364.5; Weight (kg) :0.100; Package Contents:1 Tablet Charger
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