Black Friday 2014 EU Plug USB AC Charger for iPhone 5 iPhone 4/4S (1A)
In general this EU Plug USB AC Charger for iPhone 5 iPhone 4/4S (1A) is very well designed, is working amazingly, I most likely think the purchase decision most likely be worth the extra budget. Hot Offer EU Plug USB AC Charger for iPhone 5 iPhone 4/4S (1A)
Price : $2.31 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 4384bb964943d841e1a4c82ce796199c
Rating :
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EU Plug USB AC Charger for iPhone 5 iPhone 4/4S (1A) Description
Compatible Models:iPhone 6 Plus,iPhone 6,iPhone 5/5S,iPod,iPhone 3G/3GS,iPhone 4/4S; Type:Chargers; Port:AC,USB; Color:Black; Features:Other; Input (V) :AC 110-240V; Output (V) :DC 5,1A; Dimensions (cm) :4.5 x 2.6 x 2.6; Weight (kg) :0.0181; Package Contents:1 Charger
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