Black Friday Sales 2014 Garmin 22991-1 Nexus NXR Multi Control Instrument with 3M Cable - Inve Review
If you have to in comparison product functions and value. This Garmin 22991-1 Nexus NXR Multi Control Instrument with 3M Cable - Inve is a reasonable option to purchase. Hot Offer Garmin 22991-1 Nexus NXR Multi Control Instrument with 3M Cable - Inve
Price : $899.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Garmin
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Product ID : fbbfb19df4f80ed4d31d8e4ae94e3d21
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One of excellent product is include Garmin 22991-1 Nexus NXR Multi Control Instrument with 3M Cable - Inve confirmed through a bunch of reviews through realistic consumers validated that Garmin 22991-1 Nexus NXR Multi Control Instrument with 3M Cable - Inve is great and usable item and worth the cash that they spent. If you have any concerns concerning the functions of the item or wish to inspect the up-to-date price of this product. Recently click on the hyperlink below, you will find a budget friendly prices that irrefutable.
Garmin 22991-1 Nexus NXR Multi Control Instrument with 3M Cable - Inve Description
"Nexus NXR Multi Control Instrument w/ 3M Cable - Inverted LCD Display Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Nexus 22991-1 is a NXR multi control instrument to enabling each skipper to display the information he wants. The instrument can set up to four pre-programmed pages and even choose between red or green light. It provides access to the advanced navigation and performance functions that relate to the unique configuration an individual boat. The standard LCD screen makes the display easy to read at night without any loss of night vision. 22991-1 Features: NXR Multi Control Instrument, Inverted Digital LCD Display, Displays : - Boat Speed - Trip Distance - Total distance - Battery Voltage, Bearing & Distance To Waypoint, Speed & Course Over Ground, Cross Track Error-XTE, Waypoint Closure Velocity, Water Temperature, 10 Custom & 6 Analog Data, Current Set & Drift, 9mA Current Consumption, Requires 12V DC Power Supply, Waterproof Enclosure IPX7 Standard, Includes 3m Cable"
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Garmin 22991-1 Nexus NXR Multi Control Instrument with 3M Cable - Inve
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$899.99 |