2014 Black Friday Deals Garmin 23067 Nexus NXR XL20 Instrument with 3M Cable Don't Miss
Garmin 23067 Nexus NXR XL20 Instrument with 3M Cable offered for sale now, just discover last prices comparison as well as shipping available for aid you in getting a huge selection. Hot Deal Garmin 23067 Nexus NXR XL20 Instrument with 3M Cable
Price : $1299.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Garmin
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com
Product ID : d4fd503710c3748f382ca25f1b8fe7fe
Rating :
The product features are superb and fulled of premium quality of Garmin 23067 Nexus NXR XL20 Instrument with 3M Cable is the main reason that allows it among the item you will certainly get possessed. And, it is also friendly budget to your budgets too. You can check out the full product specification and look into wonderful advertisings that have possibly been improved from the site via click the hyperlink below. You might possibly see the beneficial offer and you can not deny it, wish you get the great offer.
Garmin 23067 Nexus NXR XL20 Instrument with 3M Cable Description
"Nexus NXR XL20 Instrument w/ 3M Cable Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Nexus 23067 is a Nexus NXR XL20 instrument is designed to act as the central system on high performance race boats. It features easy-to-read with multilanguage options lead text ensures that viewers recognize which function is displayed to avoiding mistakes. The XL20 features 45 mm digits that have been proven as the ideal size for middle sized racing yachts. The instrument has red and green background light which separates instruments and allows crew to differentiate key datasets. The inverted LCD screen makes the display easy to read at night without any loss of night vision. It is fully waterproof and capable of withstanding to open ocean conditions. 23067 Features: XL20 Instrument, Inverted Digital LCD Display, Red & Green Background Light - Allows Crew To Differentiate Key Datasets, 2 Colours Frame Option - Graphite Grey & Light Grey, Multilanguage Options For Lead Text, Easy-To-Read Lead Text, 8mA - 25mA Current Consumption, 12V DC Power Supply, Waterproof Enclosure IPX7 Standard, Includes 3m Cable"
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This Item Available from 2 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Garmin 23067 Nexus NXR XL20 Instrument with 3M Cable
Merchant : FactoryOutletStore.com |
$1299.99 | ||
Merchant : Thenerds.net |
$890.99 |