Black Friday 2014 Ads Gateway NE56R52u-10054G50Mnks 15.6in. LED (UltraBright) Notebook - Intel Celeron 1005M 1.90 GHz Instantly
Gateway NE56R52u-10054G50Mnks 15.6in. LED (UltraBright) Notebook - Intel Celeron 1005M 1.90 GHz on the market today, actually find out current selling prices comparison and shipping and delivery readily available for help you to get the best offer.
Price : $378.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Gateway
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 215f4ea43afab81e83f8f352b7976f33
Rating :

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Gateway NE56R52u-10054G50Mnks 15.6in. LED (UltraBright) Notebook - Intel Celeron 1005M 1.90 GHz Description
The Gateway (R) NE Series Notebook exists to fulfill one goal: To be just what you need. This anyday, everywhere laptop is simple to use, letting you focus on your tasks at hand. And it delivers the time-tested technologies you desire even as it offers the kind of efficiencies you love. The Gateway (R) NE Series Notebook: It's just what you need...Package Contents:; NE56R52u-10054G50Mnks Notebook; Lithium Ion Battery; AC Adapter Gateway NE56R52u-10054G50Mnks 15.6in. LED (UltraBright) Notebook - Intel Celeron 1005M 1.90 GHz is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Gateway.
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