Black Friday 2014 Deals Guardian FAIB CS Ibuprofen Packs with 2 Tablets - Case of 100 Packs Instantly
Finally this Guardian FAIB CS Ibuprofen Packs with 2 Tablets - Case of 100 Packs is exceptionally well produced, goes to work wonderfully, I surely look into the purchasing will be worth extra money. Hot Offer Guardian FAIB CS Ibuprofen Packs with 2 Tablets - Case of 100 Packs
Price : $27.31 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Guardian
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : fabbce8a1df6e785c24da417e9284aba
Rating :
With one another great product is offer Guardian FAIB CS Ibuprofen Packs with 2 Tablets - Case of 100 Packs approved by a lot of feedbacks directly from genuine consumers verified that Guardian FAIB CS Ibuprofen Packs with 2 Tablets - Case of 100 Packs is great and functional product and well worth the money that they paid for. If you have any type of problems regarding the features of the item or desire to inspect the up to date price of this item. Right now select the web link here, you will find a nice prices that irrefutable.
Guardian FAIB CS Ibuprofen Packs with 2 Tablets - Case of 100 Packs Description
Great deal on portable pain and cold relief tablets. Use for temporary relief of aches, pains, headaches, pains associated with the common cold, toothache, muscular aches, backache, menstrual cramps, arthritis, and for the reduction of fever. These Ibuprofen packets are great to carry around in purses, wallets, survival (first aid) kits, the glove box, or even in pockets. Active Ingredient: Ibuprofen 200 mg.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Guardian FAIB CS Ibuprofen Packs with 2 Tablets - Case of 100 Packs
Merchant : Walmart |
$27.31 |