2014 Black Friday High Point Tablet Arm Chair in Vinyl Pewter Vinyl/Mahogany Tablet/Brushed Aluminum Legs Instantly
High Point Tablet Arm Chair in Vinyl Pewter Vinyl/Mahogany Tablet/Brushed Aluminum Legs is truly a really good devices at a awesome offer, worth the cost. Completely joyful.
Price : $1149.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : High Point
Merchant : National Business Furniture
Product ID : 5c0ce967b093de386b637c129054cee8
Rating :
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High Point Tablet Arm Chair in Vinyl Pewter Vinyl/Mahogany Tablet/Brushed Aluminum Legs Description
The Tablet Arm Chair in Vinyl is part of the modular Eve Collection of bold, contemporary reception furniture. This fully modular furniture line, which also includes loveseats, benches, sofas, tables, and other chairs, is perfect for reception areas, waiting rooms, lobbies, and training rooms. Mix and match multiple pieces from the Eve Collection to create a oneofakind waiting area. This tablet arm chair is particularly well suited for training and other similar application. Its deep, 5" thick foam seat will keep your guests and employees comfortable throughout the session. It features a rotating tablet arm, casters on the back legs, and a solid aluminum pull handle on the back. With five antimicrobial vinyl choices and five laminate choices, creating a dynamic, cohesive space has never been easier. Ships fully assembled. All Eve products are custom made to order and nonreturnable. This product has been Level 2 certified to support better sustainability standards for offices, homes, schools and healthcare facilities. Products that have obtained Level certification have met sustainability standards through a multiattribute scorecard which takes into account materials, energy and atmosphere, human and ecosystem health, and social responsibility. 5827
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
High Point Tablet Arm Chair in Vinyl Pewter Vinyl/Mahogany Tablet/Brushed Aluminum Legs
Merchant : National Business Furniture |
$1149.00 | ![]() |