2014 Black Friday Deals Hipstreet Ipad Mini Screen Protector Anti Finger - HSIPDMAFSP
Hipstreet Ipad Mini Screen Protector Anti Finger - HSIPDMAFSP offered for sale recently, take a moment to view most recent selling prices comparison and shipping suitable for assist you in getting the best bargain. Hot Deal Hipstreet Ipad Mini Screen Protector Anti Finger - HSIPDMAFSP
Price : $15.30 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Hipstreet
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : e1fe52755ca1dfebb8f8c104b71de997
Rating :
The item functions are excellent and fulled of excellent of Hipstreet Ipad Mini Screen Protector Anti Finger - HSIPDMAFSP is the huge purpose that allows it among the item you will really get purchased. As well as, it is as well friendly-budget to your pockets as well. You could discover the full product summary and look at extra offers that have possibly been improved directly from the shop using click the web link below. You could look for the very cool offer and you could not reject it, want you get the great price.
Hipstreet Ipad Mini Screen Protector Anti Finger - HSIPDMAFSP Description
Ipad Mini Anti-Fingerprint Screen Protector, Glare Resistant Material Shields your Ipad Mini from Fingerprints And Smudges- Enhances Contast Of the LCD Screen-Anti-Scratch Hard Coating to Protect from Scratches And Abrasions- The Hipstreet iPad Mini Anti-Fingerprint Screen Protector protects your iPad Mini screen from fingerprints and smudges- The contrast of the LCD screen will be enhanced with clear visibility- This screen protector, which is specially designed for iPad Mini, also offers your screen protection from scratches and abrasions- Anti-fingerprint- Scratch Resistant- Smudge Resistant- Residue-free- Screen Safe Adhesive- Abrasion Resistant- SKU: OCT1188
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Hipstreet Ipad Mini Screen Protector Anti Finger - HSIPDMAFSP
Merchant : Walmart |
$15.30 |