Black Friday Sales 2014 HP ElitePad D3H90UT 10.1" Tablet Right Now
Can be a safe in comparison gadget benefits and price. HP ElitePad D3H90UT 10.1" Tablet is a fantastic decision to purchase.
Price : $881.42 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Hewlett-Packard
Merchant :
Product ID : cfc5ad03594a58bdc9810100f74ef787
Rating :

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HP ElitePad D3H90UT 10.1" Tablet Description
HP ElitePad D3H90UT 10.1" 64 GB Net-tablet PC - T-Mobile - Wi-Fi - 3G HSPA, HSPA+ - Intel Atom Z2760 1.80 GHz - LED Backlight GPU/VPU: Graphics Controller Manufacturer Intel Graphics Controller Model Graphics Media Accelerator HD CPU Speed: 1.80 GHz Display Type: Wide XGA Resolution: 1280 x 800 Memory Speed: LPDDR2-533 WLAN: 802.11n Wireless LAN Bluetooth: Yes Touchpad: Yes
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