Black Friday Sales HP Pavilion 23-b300 23-B320 All-in-One Computer - Refurbished - AMD E-Series E2-2000 1.75 GHz - Desktop Right Now
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Price : $470.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : HP
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : e1f4ba2150be5a18728b3459435d7d85
Rating :
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HP Pavilion 23-b300 23-B320 All-in-One Computer - Refurbished - AMD E-Series E2-2000 1.75 GHz - Desktop Description
At HP, we offer a wide selection of desktop computers to suit each customer's need, whether for home office, business, or entertainment use. Our variety of desktop computers for your home include everyday desktop computers, slim and sleek desktops, high performance desktops, and touch screen computers . For small to large business customers, we offer a range of business desktop computers, workstation computers, POS systems and thin clients. HP Pavilion 23-b300 23-B320 All-in-One Computer - Refurbished - AMD E-Series E2-2000 1.75 GHz - Desktop is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by HP.
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