Black Friday Deals HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-n000 15-n088nr 15.6in. Touchscreen LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A6-5200 2 GHz Don't Miss
If you have to in comparison gadget functionalities and value. This HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-n000 15-n088nr 15.6in. Touchscreen LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A6-5200 2 GHz is an excellent decision to buy. Hot Deal HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-n000 15-n088nr 15.6in. Touchscreen LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A6-5200 2 GHz
Price : $433.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : HP
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 7f74b82f0c2af712310008bef51546a7
Rating :
In case you are likely considering to shopping for item with a beneficial top quality including an affordable budget plan. We highly advised this HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-n000 15-n088nr 15.6in. Touchscreen LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A6-5200 2 GHz is just one of high quality and more preferred item product that you are trying to find. Even if you study it meticulously regarding item specification, attributes and useful customer comments, certainly you must certainly not refuse to purchase it one. You could inspect the existing price via the web link here.
HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-n000 15-n088nr 15.6in. Touchscreen LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A6-5200 2 GHz Description
Imagine what's possible when proven technology meets the intuitive ease of touch. With dependable processing power, lots of applications, and tons of storage, you can do it all on this TouchSmart notebook that's built to last.Package Contents:; Pavilion TouchSmart 15-n088nr; Lithium Ion Battery; AC Adapter HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-n000 15-n088nr 15.6in. Touchscreen LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A6-5200 2 GHz is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by HP.
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HP Pavilion TouchSmart 15-n000 15-n088nr 15.6in. Touchscreen LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A6-5200 2 GHz
Merchant : Office Depot |
$433.95 |