2014 Black Friday Deals HP Slate 2 Tablet 64GB + Docking Station + Digital Pen + Folio Case - Black (Refurbished)
HP Slate 2 Tablet 64GB + Docking Station + Digital Pen + Folio Case - Black (Refurbished) accessible for sale presently, just recently view most current selling prices comparison and shipping and delivery accessible for assist you in getting the best selection. Hot Offer HP Slate 2 Tablet 64GB + Docking Station + Digital Pen + Folio Case - Black (Refurbished)
Price : $669.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : All4Cellular
Product ID : bbbb7babccd7eb2151bd5a1d1a5bac04
Rating :
In the event that you are likely searching to purchasing product with an extremely good high quality as well as a reasonable spending plan. We strongly recommended HP Slate 2 Tablet 64GB + Docking Station + Digital Pen + Folio Case - Black (Refurbished) is among top high quality and additional well-liked item item that you are trying to find. Also if you examine it very carefully regarding product detail, features and valuable consumer assessments, of program you need to certainly not reject to get it one. You could take a look at the current price via the hyperlink here.
HP Slate 2 Tablet 64GB + Docking Station + Digital Pen + Folio Case - Black (Refurbished) Description
The HP Slate 2 Tablet with 64GB of memory is a beautifully designed and versatile tablet perfect for browsing the web, checking emails, taking photos, watching movies, and much, much more. Inside, the Slate 2 is packed with top-quality hardware: a 1.50 GHz Intel Atom processor, 2GB of RAM, plus a SD memory card slot for vastly expanded storage. The HP Slate 2 Tablet also features a stunning 8.9 wide-view TFT Color LED display (1024 x 600 pixel) and two cameras: a 3.0MP rear cam, and a 0.3MP front cam (perfect for video chat) . What's more, the Slate 2 sports stereo speakers so you can jam to your favorite tunes. Rest your Slate 2 on the docking station (made specifically to fit this tablet) while watching your favorite flick, and when you're done, securely store your tablet away in the sturdy folio case. Pick up this amazing tablet at our low, low price today! NOTE: Refurbished Items may have slight scratches due to prior usage. The screen of the device is in perfect condition though, and this item has been tested thoroughly and works perfectly.
A single of one of the most principal details you should do right before you make a decision to acquire HP Slate 2 Tablet 64GB + Docking Station + Digital Pen + Folio Case - Black (Refurbished) is to read potential client evaluations regarding this product from real users. To view practical ideas on how they have a comment about this item, exactly what is their impressed and not satisfied on this item. That method you will certainly understand that are you really need this product really, All that is very important details that you ought to not neglect.
This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
HP Slate 2 Tablet 64GB + Docking Station + Digital Pen + Folio Case - Black (Refurbished)
Merchant : All4Cellular |
$669.99 |