Black Friday Sales 2014 HP Split x2 13-g210dx - 13.3 - Core i5 4202Y Instantly
If you should in comparison gadget functions and cost. This HP Split x2 13-g210dx - 13.3 - Core i5 4202Y is a fantastic decision to actually buy.
Price : $849.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : HP
Merchant : TigerDirect
Product ID : acc6e08eda34f927e07c2788f8dee2ca
Rating :
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![HP Split x2 13-g210dx - 13.3 - Core i5 4202Y](
HP Split x2 13-g210dx - 13.3 - Core i5 4202Y Description
HP Split x2 13-g210dx - Tablet - with keyboard dock - Core i5 4202Y / 1.6 GHz - Windows 8.1 64-bit - 4 GB RAM - 128 GB SSD - 13.3 touchscreen 1366 x 768 (HD) - Intel HD Graphics 4400 - remarketed
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