Black Friday 2014 Deals In Stock 9.7'' Pipo M6 Pro 3G Quad Core Tablet PC RK3188 Android 4.2 RAM 2GB Retina IPS SCreen 2048*1536 Review
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Price : $329.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : PiPo Technology Co., Ltd
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Product ID : 72c74e0b603b3c040a8034d02f05a822
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In Stock 9.7'' Pipo M6 Pro 3G Quad Core Tablet PC RK3188 Android 4.2 RAM 2GB Retina IPS SCreen 2048*1536 Description
In Stock 9.7'' Pipo M6 Pro 3G Quad Core Tablet PC RK3188 Android 4.2 RAM 2GB Retina IPS SCreen 2048*1536 Color: Black CPU Speed: up to 1.6GHz Resolution: 2048 x 1536 Memory Slot (Total) : 1 WLAN: Wifi 802.11 b/g/n Bluetooth: Yes HDMI: 1 x HDMI Touchpad: Yes
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In Stock 9.7'' Pipo M6 Pro 3G Quad Core Tablet PC RK3188 Android 4.2 RAM 2GB Retina IPS SCreen 2048*1536
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$329.99 |