Black Friday Sales 2014 Incipio STY-107 Inscribe DUAL Stylus and Pen Black Right Now
If you should in comparison gadget characteristics and cost. The Incipio STY-107 Inscribe DUAL Stylus and Pen Black is a great choice to shop for. Hot Offer Incipio STY-107 Inscribe DUAL Stylus and Pen Black
Price : $27.48 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Incipio
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : b32959badcb60552e68fb7502c67f7ae
Rating :
In case you are certainly looking to acquiring product at a really good high quality together with a sensible spending plan. We highly recommended Incipio STY-107 Inscribe DUAL Stylus and Pen Black is just one of top-notch and additional well-liked product item that you are searching for. Also if you examine it carefully concerning product information, functions and valuable consumer reviews, naturally you need to not decline to acquire it one. You could look at the recent price from the web link below.
Incipio STY-107 Inscribe DUAL Stylus and Pen Black Description
By twisting your Incipio Inscribe DUAL Stylus Pen you can instantly use two different ink colors. Choose between red and black ink when writing with your pen. The Stylus Pen weighs in at approximately 0.7mm and is about 4.6 inches long. The stylus is perfect for traveling and slipping into your pocket for portability. Non-slip grip is provided for users to enhance their experience. Designed to mimic your finger, the Inscribe DUAL Stylus Pen is comfortable when signing-off your important documents. The Inscribe DUAL Stylus Pen offers a soft omindirectional tip, that makes writing and touch functions on your device easy. Simply twist to reveal a high-quality ballpoint pen. The integrated clip easily attaches to pockets or luggage for durable transportation and engages instantly with your capacitive touch device. Features: - Omnidirectional tip makes writing and touch functions easy - Professional and sophisticated option that looks as good as it functions - Reduce fingerprints and smudges on your devices touchscreen - Integrated clip easily attaches to pocket or luggage for easy transportation Package Contents: - Incipio Inscribe DUAL Stylus & Pen - Black
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Incipio STY-107 Inscribe DUAL Stylus and Pen Black
Merchant : Walmart |
$27.48 |