Black Friday 2014 Iogear GWAVR IEEE 802.11a/b/g - WiMedia Adapter for Smartphone/Tablet Instantly
Iogear GWAVR IEEE 802.11a/b/g - WiMedia Adapter for Smartphone/Tablet is totally high-quality on precisely what it actually does. Protect you time and money via purchase at trusted online stores. Hot Offer Iogear GWAVR IEEE 802.11a/b/g - WiMedia Adapter for Smartphone/Tablet
Price : $70.97 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Iogear, Inc
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Product ID : 7ac782779a2f0f7186afccffe60c01c4
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Iogear GWAVR IEEE 802.11a/b/g - WiMedia Adapter for Smartphone/Tablet Description
Supports the latest Intel and Wi-Fi CERTIFIED technology Ever want to watch, share or play your smartphone, tablet or laptops photos, videos or video games on an HDTV? IOGEARs GWAVR gives you the power to mirror and wirelessly stream your smartphone, tablet and or your Intel i3 / i5 / i7 laptop to your big screen HDTV. Enjoy your favorite movies, videos, photos, online sites like YouTube, Hulu, Netflix and more in full HD on your HDTV. In todays lifestyle of mobility and wireless the GWAVR is the next step in connectivity for your wireless AV entertainment. Manufacturer: Iogear, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: GWAVR Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Iogear Product Model: GWAVR Product Name: Wireless Mobile and PC to HDTV Product Type: WiMedia Adapter Technical Information: Wireless LAN Standard: IEEE 802.11a/b/g Technical Information: ISM Band: Yes Technical Information: UNII Band: Yes Interfaces/Ports: Host Interface: HDMI Physical Characteristics: Form Factor: External Package Contents: Wireless Mobile and PC to HDTV 1 x Power Adapter 1 x Quick Start Guide 1 x Warranty/Registration Card Device Supported: Smartphone/Tablet/Notebook
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