Black Friday 2014 iPad mini with Retina display - Silver - 32GB Instantly
iPad mini with Retina display - Silver - 32GB is really an amazing items with a awesome selling price, worth the cost. Totally happy. Hot Offer iPad mini with Retina display - Silver - 32GB
Price : $603.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Apple
Merchant : T-Mobile
Product ID : aea9e3bae4f8866c2c7c62bcac5d8249
Rating :
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iPad mini with Retina display - Silver - 32GB Description
Every little bit is amazing. Any way you look at it, iPad mini is just incredible. And the stunning Retina display is only the beginning. With a new A7 chip, advanced wireless, and powerful apps all beautifully integrated with iOS 7 iPad mini with Retina display lets you do more than you ever imagined. Feature for feature, its identical to iPad Air in every way. Except for its super-portable, hold-it-in-one-hand, still-just-right mini size. Learn more New device purchase requires a SIM Starter Kit which will be added to your order automatically.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
iPad mini with Retina display - Silver - 32GB
Merchant : T-Mobile |
$603.99 |