2014 Black Friday Deals IVR52530 - Innovera Tablet Screen Protector for iPad 2/iPad 3rd Gen Right Now
Generally the IVR52530 - Innovera Tablet Screen Protector for iPad 2/iPad 3rd Gen is very nicely manufactured, goes to work magnificently, I probably think the buy online may well be worth any extra budget.
Price : $5.91 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Innovera
Merchant : DiscountOfficeItems.com
Product ID : a3495077a77218906d705e35b7dba122
Rating :
The product features are exceptional and loaded with top quality of IVR52530 - Innovera Tablet Screen Protector for iPad 2/iPad 3rd Gen is the important purpose that allows it among the product you may really get purchased. And also, it is too friendly-budget to your wallets too. You could watch the full item description and visit special promos that have recently been up-dated through the shop through click the web link here. You may view the interesting offer and you can not deny it, wish you have the very good price.
![IVR52530 - Innovera Tablet Screen Protector for iPad 2/iPad 3rd Gen](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
IVR52530 - Innovera Tablet Screen Protector for iPad 2/iPad 3rd Gen Description
Tablet screen protector is sized for iPad? 2 and iPad? 3rd Gen. Trimmable filter protects your tablet screen from scratches and smudges. Clear filter won't interfere with touch features or screen clarity. Easy application. Residue-free removal. Comes with convenient microfiber cloth for application and cleaning.
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