Black Friday 2014 Ads Kensington Tablet Computer Cabinet Don't Miss
When you have to compared device specifications and cost. The Kensington Tablet Computer Cabinet is the right option to decide to purchase.
Price : $970.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Product ID : cd8fc586ba39f2fca2d078d6dcc89f9d
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If you are certainly looking to purchasing product with a good top quality and also an acceptable spending plan. We very recommended this Kensington Tablet Computer Cabinet is among leading high quality and even more preferred item product that you are searching for. Even if you examine it meticulously regarding item description, attributes and handy customer overviews, obviously you should not refuse to acquire it one. You could check the latest price via the web link under here.
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Kensington Tablet Computer Cabinet Description
114"16"21.5"22.5"As more Chromebooks, laptops and tablets are deployed into classrooms, testing labs, and libraries, providing a convenient and secure storage location is becoming a big need. Luckily, Kensington has the perfect answer with the new Charge Cabinet, Universal Chromebook and Tablet. With space for up to 12 devices including Chromebooks and MacBooks up to 14", iOS, Android and Windows tablets up to 12", as well as laptops, the cabinet is the perfect place to charge most devices deployed in the classroom so they're powered up and ready in the morning. The cabinet can be mounted to the wall or a desktop, and a tamper-resistant front door offers security with keyed access. A separate service area provides convenient cable management for your device power supply. Plus the cabinet easily fits onto a standard AV cart for smooth transportation. Microsoft Surface Apple MacBook Air Apple iPad Samsung Galaxy Tab Universal Charging Cabinet, Chromebook and Tablet - Black Mounting Hardware Mounting Plate Keys AC PowerBlackCable ManagementDesktopHeavy DutyK67877AMKensingtonKensington Computer Products GroupLockableMetalNoRuggedSwing DoorTablet Computer CabinetTamper ResistantUnited StatesUniversal Charging Cabinet, Chromebook and Tablet - BlackWall Mountable
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