2014 Black Friday Kentucky Wildcats Samsung Galaxy S4 Tough Smooth Case
Kentucky Wildcats Samsung Galaxy S4 Tough Smooth Case is actually an amazing stuff for a amazing price, worth every dollar. Truly satisfied. Hot Offer Kentucky Wildcats Samsung Galaxy S4 Tough Smooth Case
Price : $39.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Fanatics
Merchant : Fanatics
Product ID : 8759f655ad028e6b70c731373e0c5535
Rating :
The product attributes are outstanding and filled with top-notch of Kentucky Wildcats Samsung Galaxy S4 Tough Smooth Case is the important idea that takes it one of the product you shall pick up purchased. And, it is as well friendly budget to your pockets also. You could check out the complete product specification and take a look at great promos that have probably been upgraded coming from the store via click the hyperlink below. You could see the amazing deal and you can not deny it, want you get the wonderful deal.
Kentucky Wildcats Samsung Galaxy S4 Tough Smooth Case Description
Just like the Wildcats have to protect their noggins from hard hits on the field, you need to protect your phone from the hard hits of daily life! Keep it protected in Kentucky style with this Tough Smooth case. Its boasts color graphics and a Kentucky logo. This Galaxy S4 case also has an enhanced twopiece design for added protection and a layflat bezel that protects your screen from directly contacting surfaces.
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Kentucky Wildcats Samsung Galaxy S4 Tough Smooth Case
Merchant : Fanatics |
$39.95 |