Black Friday Sale KI Furniture Fabric Seat Nesting Chair with Right Tablet Arm Red Pepper Fabric Seat/Warm Gray Poly Back/Black Right Tablet/Black Frame
KI Furniture Fabric Seat Nesting Chair with Right Tablet Arm Red Pepper Fabric Seat/Warm Gray Poly Back/Black Right Tablet/Black Frame for your purchases instantly, absolutely have a look at last prices comparison and shipping and delivery accessible for get you the best bargain. Hot Deal KI Furniture Fabric Seat Nesting Chair with Right Tablet Arm Red Pepper Fabric Seat/Warm Gray Poly Back/Black Right Tablet/Black Frame
Price : $598.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : KI Furniture
Merchant : National Business Furniture
Product ID : c61dcac9ef22fabfc2cfbd75beec7482
Rating :
The item features are superb and filled with high quality of KI Furniture Fabric Seat Nesting Chair with Right Tablet Arm Red Pepper Fabric Seat/Warm Gray Poly Back/Black Right Tablet/Black Frame is the great idea that takes it one of the product you shall get had. And also, it is usually friendly-budget to your pockets as well. You can show the full item description and look at extra promos that have actually been improved from the store via click the hyperlink below. You could select the very cool offer and you could not reject it, desire you get the good offer.
KI Furniture Fabric Seat Nesting Chair with Right Tablet Arm Red Pepper Fabric Seat/Warm Gray Poly Back/Black Right Tablet/Black Frame Description
Make learning more comfortable and productive with these fabric seat nesting chairs with right tablet arm. These chairs are easy to store and transport as they easily nest and move smoothly on dualwheel casters. For easy storage just flip up the seat and push chairs together to move chairs around as needed. This convenient nesting chair is a pleasure to sit in, so students will be able to focus a little better while they sit in comfort. The extra thick, contoured seat keeps the user's body in cradled support, so students won't need to constantly adjust themselves. A 1" 13gauge steel frame makes the chair durable enough to withstand frequent use on a daily basis. A tablet arm is fixed onto the right side of the chair to accommodate writing. This chair has a 300 lb weight capacity. Add this sleek nesting chair with right tablet arm to your classroom or training room to create a more comfortable and more convenient learning environment for everyone. Fully assembled. This product has been Greenguard certified to support better indoor air quality for offices, homes, schools and healthcare facilities. Products that are Greenguard certified are regularly tested to ensure that their chemical and particle emissions meet acceptable pollutant standards. TGU/TGTARPB
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