Black Friday 2014 Deals KNC MD809 Quad Core 3G Phone Tablet PC 7.85" MTK8389 1.2GHz 1GB Memory 8GB HDD Android 4.2 Support GPS Bluetooth Android tablet 3g phone Instantly
All in all the KNC MD809 Quad Core 3G Phone Tablet PC 7.85" MTK8389 1.2GHz 1GB Memory 8GB HDD Android 4.2 Support GPS Bluetooth Android tablet 3g phone is quite well created, really works amazingly, I absolutely notice the purchasing may well be worth the budget.
Price : $149.77 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Double King Industry Co., Ltd
Merchant :
Product ID : 367c59159255be6f3e869d36a5580ccf
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The product features are exceptional and filled with excellent of KNC MD809 Quad Core 3G Phone Tablet PC 7.85" MTK8389 1.2GHz 1GB Memory 8GB HDD Android 4.2 Support GPS Bluetooth Android tablet 3g phone is the significant purpose that makes it one of the product you shall acquire owned. In addition to, it is likewise friendly budget to your wallets too. You could watch the complete item detail and inspect out wonderful deals that have probably been upgraded through the shop via click the hyperlink here. You may possibly locate the very cool offer and you could not refuse it, wish you get the very good deal.

KNC MD809 Quad Core 3G Phone Tablet PC 7.85" MTK8389 1.2GHz 1GB Memory 8GB HDD Android 4.2 Support GPS Bluetooth Android tablet 3g phone Description
KNC MD809 Quad Core 3G Phone Tablet PC 7.85" MTK8389 1.2GHz 1GB Memory 8GB HDD Android 4.2 Support GPS Bluetooth Android tablet 3g phone GPU/VPU: PowerVR 544MP2@286MHz Color: Silver CPU Speed: 1.20GHz Resolution: 1024 x 768 WLAN: 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.0 HDMI: No Webcam: Front 2.0PM Back 8.0PM
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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KNC MD809 Quad Core 3G Phone Tablet PC 7.85" MTK8389 1.2GHz 1GB Memory 8GB HDD Android 4.2 Support GPS Bluetooth Android tablet 3g phone
Merchant : |
$149.77 | ![]() |