Black Friday Sale Launch Tech USA 301180018 X431 Launch Pad Diagnostic Tablet
General this Launch Tech USA 301180018 X431 Launch Pad Diagnostic Tablet is perfectly created, actually works amazingly, I certainly experience the order most likely be worth extra budget.
Price : $3308.62 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Launch Tech USA
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Product ID : 77d19e03dfb307c3081961bb315d22b3
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In case you are searching to getting product at an awesome quality together with an acceptable deal. We extremely advised Launch Tech USA 301180018 X431 Launch Pad Diagnostic Tablet is among premium and even more preferred item product that you are trying to find. Even if you examine it very carefully about item information, functions and valuable customer evaluations, of program you should certainly not reject to acquire it one. You could check out the up to date price from the link here.
![Launch Tech USA 301180018 X431 Launch Pad Diagnostic Tablet](
Launch Tech USA 301180018 X431 Launch Pad Diagnostic Tablet Description
Features and Benefits: Featuring Windows 7, for a true PC tablet experience Blazing fast speed while using the Pad and while browsing the web; auto-ID all available vehicle systems and modules Gain OE-Level access to Asian, European and Domestic applications for module coding, resets, relearns and bi-directional capabilities Find and Fix Faster With Identifix Direct-Hit - Notifies you of vehicle specific repair information and known fixes automatically Featuring the latest in OBDII wireless Bluetooth technology, the DBS Connector, with built-in LPT (Large Packet Transfer) Technology; simply the fastest data refresh rates and most stable wireless diagnostics experience in the industry! The Launch Pad, running on Windows 7, offers a true PC-Based Diagnostic Scan Tool experience that is both wireless to the car and the internet. Multiple applications can be run simultaneously and at blazing fast speeds. Perform diagnostics, view graphs, and record PID data all while on the web gathering diagnostic information from your favorite repair database. Bi-directional controls, module coding, and the latest in OE level coverage and capabilities - for Asian, European and Domestic car lines - are right at your fingertips with the Launch Pad. Add-on Modules such as a Lab Scope, Sensor Simulator and Battery Tester, make the Launch Pad the perfect choice for those needing a scan tool with added diagnostic and repair capabilities. Ultra-fast, sturdy and ergonomic and with a highly intuitive interface, the Launch Pad is a must have for today's modern technician.
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Launch Tech USA 301180018 X431 Launch Pad Diagnostic Tablet
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