Black Friday Sales Lenmar 3 USB Charger for iPads, Tablets and Mobile Phones Right Now
When you have to in comparison product functionality and cost. This Lenmar 3 USB Charger for iPads, Tablets and Mobile Phones is the perfect substitute for shop for.
Price : $33.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Lenmar Enterprises, Inc
Merchant :
Product ID : 55ea43e6521f28b9728518165d3baffb
Rating :

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Lenmar 3 USB Charger for iPads, Tablets and Mobile Phones Description
Manufacturer: Lenmar Enterprises, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: ACUSB344K Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Lenmar Product Model: ACUSB344K Product Name: 3 USB Charger for iPads, Tablets and Mobile Phones Product Type: AC Adapter Technical Information: Device Supported: iPad
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