Black Friday Sales 2014 lenovo a768t 5.5 'smartphone android 4.4 3g (dual sim, wifi, gps, Qualcomm msm8916 quad core, ram1gb rom8gb) Review
If you have to compared item attributes and value. This lenovo a768t 5.5 'smartphone android 4.4 3g (dual sim, wifi, gps, Qualcomm msm8916 quad core, ram1gb rom8gb) is a reasonable substitute for shop for. Hot Offer lenovo a768t 5.5 'smartphone android 4.4 3g (dual sim, wifi, gps, Qualcomm msm8916 quad core, ram1gb rom8gb)
Price : $189.10 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : c9b29d512a75cc56a6c22b41c678d985
Rating :
In the case that you are looking to buying product at an extremely good quality including an acceptable offer. We extremely advised lenovo a768t 5.5 'smartphone android 4.4 3g (dual sim, wifi, gps, Qualcomm msm8916 quad core, ram1gb rom8gb) is one of top-notch and additional popular product product that you are looking for. Even if you research it carefully about item description, functions and handy customer testimonials, of course you must certainly not refuse to acquire it one. You could check the existing price from the web link below.
lenovo a768t 5.5 'smartphone android 4.4 3g (dual sim, wifi, gps, Qualcomm msm8916 quad core, ram1gb rom8gb) Description
RAM:1GB; ROM:8GB; Estensione di memoria:32GB; Fotocamera:8 MP; Fotocamera frontale:2 MP; Slot SIM Card:Due SIM; Dimensioni (pollici) :5.5; Risoluzione:1280x720; Tipo di schermo:IPS; Tipo di suonerie:MID,MP3,Polifonico,WMA,MMF; Radio FM:Si; Tempo in stand-by:Fino a 400 orario; Tempo in chiamata:Fino A 5 ore; Anno di uscita:2014; Caratteristiche:Ultrasottile,Long Standby,Narrow frame,Scheda full HD; Lista di imballaggio:Cellulare,Libretto di istruzioni - Inglese,Adattatore di corrente (110-240V 50/60Hz) ,Cavo USB,Batteria ricaricabile Li-ion; Misura dello schermo (pollici) :4.6-5.0; Tipo di scheda SIM:Scheda SIM; Capacita (mAh) :2150MAH; Tipo di CPU:Quad Core; 2G:GSM (900/1800/1900MHz) ; 3G:WCDMA (900/2100MHz) ; Marca:Lenovo; Servizio offerto:Sbloccato; Sistema operativo:Android 4.4; Connettivita:Bluetooth 3.0,Wifi,3G; Messaggi:MMS,SMS; Dimensioni: Size 180 x 100 x 41mm/7.08 x 3.93 x 1.61 inch ; Colore:Blu scuro; Peso netto (kg) :192g ; Lingue:Persiano,Olandese,Norvegese,Polacco,Cinese,Italiano,Slovacco,Arabo,Tedesco,Ceco,Vietnamita,Francese,Ungherese,Malese,Rumeno,Portoghese,Indonesiano,Coreano,Giapponese,Danese,Bulgaro,Inglese,Greco,Spagnolo,Cinese tradizionale,Nepalese,Russo,Cinese (semplificato) ,Turco,Filippino,Thai,Svedese; Formato supportato:BMP,JAVA,JPEG,UMD,RMVB,TXT,AVI,PDF,MP4,PNG,3GP,CDR,AMR,PSD,AWB,SVG,Braccio,TGA,WAV,GIF,MP3,BRM; GPS:GPS; Sensore:Bussola,Sensore di prossimita,Sensori luce,G-Sensor
Along with one of the most essential points you should perform just before you think about to get lenovo a768t 5.5 'smartphone android 4.4 3g (dual sim, wifi, gps, Qualcomm msm8916 quad core, ram1gb rom8gb) is in order to examine clients evaluations about this product coming from authentic customers. To find recommendations on how they have an opinion referring to this item, what exactly is their fulfilled and not impressed with this item. This way you would know that are you want this item seriously, All that is essential details that you should not overlook.
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lenovo a768t 5.5 'smartphone android 4.4 3g (dual sim, wifi, gps, Qualcomm msm8916 quad core, ram1gb rom8gb)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$189.10 |