Black Friday 2014 Lenovo Idea 59413201Miix 2 11 11.6 in. I5 4gb 128gb Right Now
When you have to compared product specifications and price. The Lenovo Idea 59413201Miix 2 11 11.6 in. I5 4gb 128gb is a good decision to shop for. Hot Offer Lenovo Idea 59413201Miix 2 11 11.6 in. I5 4gb 128gb
Price : $1375.83 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : LENOVO
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Product ID : a6a83b1df0f3272a18607b7a0b60ebf1
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Lenovo Idea 59413201Miix 2 11 11.6 in. I5 4gb 128gb Description
BTS 2014 - Lenovo Miix 2 11 FHD i5 128 Keyboard Bundle; 11.6 IPS Panel / 1920x1200 FHD / 10 point-touch; Intel Haswell 1.6 GHZ Core i5 - 4202Y; Windows 8.1 Home; Integrated Intel HD Graphics; 128 GB SSD; 4 GB LP DDR3 memory; No ODD; 2MP Front Camera / 5MP Rear Camera; Integrated JBL designed stereo speakers (on tablet) and subwoofer (on keyboard-dock) ; 802.11 a/b/g/n bluetooth 4.0; 36Wh Battery / 8 hours web surfing & video; Micro SD Micro-USB Micro HDMI Combo headphone mini Jack with Microphone 2 USB 2.0 ports in Dock; Parts and labor - 1 year limited warranty; Gray
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