Black Friday Deals 2014 Lenovo K910 5.5" Andriod 4.2 3G Smartphone (Full HD,Dual Camera ,WiFi,16.0Mp Back Camera) Instantly
With Lenovo K910 5.5" Andriod 4.2 3G Smartphone (Full HD,Dual Camera ,WiFi,16.0Mp Back Camera) you just recently see the added benefits that contend with you need to get, strongly suggested it is actually a good product for value. Hot Deal Lenovo K910 5.5" Andriod 4.2 3G Smartphone (Full HD,Dual Camera ,WiFi,16.0Mp Back Camera)
Price : $379.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 66c646e694c81f6e4d95567a8f69d227
Rating :
In the event that you are certainly thinking about to acquiring product with a fantastic high quality including an acceptable spending plan. We strongly recommended this Lenovo K910 5.5" Andriod 4.2 3G Smartphone (Full HD,Dual Camera ,WiFi,16.0Mp Back Camera) is among high quality and more prominent item product that you are searching for. Even if you examine it thoroughly regarding product detail, features and helpful consumer testimonials, of course you have to certainly not refuse to get it one. You could inspect the recent price through the web link here.
Lenovo K910 5.5" Andriod 4.2 3G Smartphone (Full HD,Dual Camera ,WiFi,16.0Mp Back Camera) Description
RAM:2GB; ROM:16GB; Camera:Dual Camera,13 MP; Front Camera:5 MP; SIM Card Slot:Dual SIM; Display Size (Inch) :5.5; Screen Resolution:1920x1080; Screen Type:TFT; Ringtones Type:MMF,MP3,Polyphonic; FM Radio:YES; Stand-by time:Up To 350 hours; Talk time:Up To 5 hours; Features:Ultra-thin,Full HD,Flashlight; Packing List:Rechargeable Li-ion battery,Cellphone,Rotary-turn Hand Charger ,User manual - English,Phone to USB cable; Screen Size (Inch) :5.1-5.5; SIM Card Type:Micro SIM Card; Capacity (mAh) :3050mAh; CPU Type:Quad Core; 2G:GSM (900/1800/1900MHz) ; 3G:WCDMA (2100MHz) ; Brand:Lenovo; Service Provide:Unlocked; Operating System:Android 4.2; Connectivity:Bluetooth2.0,WIFI,3G; Messaging:MMS,SMS; Net Weight (kg) :0.162; Languages:Chinese,English
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Lenovo K910 5.5" Andriod 4.2 3G Smartphone (Full HD,Dual Camera ,WiFi,16.0Mp Back Camera)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$379.99 |