2014 Black Friday Lenovo (R) Miix 2 11.6in. Detachable Tablet PC With Keyboard Dock, 59413201 Don't Miss
Lenovo (R) Miix 2 11.6in. Detachable Tablet PC With Keyboard Dock, 59413201 that you can buy right now, take a moment to check recent prices comparison and shipping suitable for assist you in getting the great offer.
Price : $829.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Lenovo
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : a6a83b1df0f3272a18607b7a0b60ebf1
Rating :
When you are certainly taking into consideration to shopping for product with a top-notch quality together with a reasonable spending plan. We highly recommended Lenovo (R) Miix 2 11.6in. Detachable Tablet PC With Keyboard Dock, 59413201 is among top quality and more popular item product that you are trying to find. Also if you research it very carefully concerning product information, features and handy customer comments, certainly you need to not decline to acquire it one. You can check the latest price through the web link here.
![Lenovo (R) Miix 2 11.6in. Detachable Tablet PC With Keyboard Dock, 59413201](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
Lenovo (R) Miix 2 11.6in. Detachable Tablet PC With Keyboard Dock, 59413201 Description
Three modes in one flexible device for everywhere you go Laptop Mode for easy typing; Stand Mode for movies, music and video chatting; Tablet Mode for apps, photos and games. Intelligent software detects your current mode and suggests suitable apps. Includes a detachable AccuType keyboard dock. 11.6in. high-definition display with stunning 1920 x 1200 resolution. Features 10-point multi-touch screen for easy operation. Integrated JBL (R) stereo speakers and a subwoofer on the keyboard dock deliver crystal-clear audio and deep bass. 128GB solid-state drive provides plenty of room for music, photos, apps and more. 4GB memory runs your programs. Wireless connectivity (802.11a/b/g/n) enables on-the-go productivity. Access networks without the need for cables. Integrated Intel HD graphics deliver high-performance multimedia. Micro-HDMI port for viewing content on other HDMI-compatible screens (cable sold separately) . Connect external devices easily using the USB ports located on the keyboard dock. A microSD (TM) slot lets you add more storage. Built-in 2.0MP front webcam and 5.0MP back camera let you video chat with friends and family. Features Bluetooth (R) 4.0 wireless technology. Permits short-range wireless data transfers at up to 30ft. with other Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as phones, speakers and printers. Stays powered for up to 8 hours. Battery life will vary depending on the battery configuration, product model, applications loaded on the product, power management setting of the product and the product features used by the customer. As with all batteries, the maximum capacity of this battery will decrease with time and usage. Features Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 8.1 Intel, the Intel Logo, Intel Inside, Intel Core, and Core Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Lenovo (R) Miix 2 11.6in. Detachable Tablet PC With Keyboard Dock, 59413201 is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Lenovo.
If you are undecided on whether to get Lenovo (R) Miix 2 11.6in. Detachable Tablet PC With Keyboard Dock, 59413201 or not, the way to assist you determine this trouble is to study several customer reviews of this product. Review a number of evaluations to discover whether it is a product that meets your specific wants or what this item could give you some absolutely helpful or are you could overlooked some problems of it. So all of that ensure you get a buying with a great reason and worth the money you pay.