Black Friday Deals Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 10 20C30007US 64 GB Net-tablet PC - 10.1" - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Intel Atom Z3795 1.59 GHz - Black
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Price : $1203.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : LENOVO
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Product ID : f170cbeef322f3b7adaefdcf9b794891
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Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 10 20C30007US 64 GB Net-tablet PC - 10.1" - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Intel Atom Z3795 1.59 GHz - Black Description
11.59 GHz10 Hour10.1"16:101920 x 10801920 x 12002 GB2 MB2 Megapixel2.39 GHz20C30007US64 GB64-bit7"8 MegapixelA TABLET WITHOUT COMPROMISE. DELIVERING A PC EXPERIENCE AND SUPERIOR VERSATILITY IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND. STYLISH YET DURABLE Built to be used in any situation with an elegant, grip-friendly aluminum finish and scratch-resistant Gorilla Glass screen. ThinkPad Tablet 10 20C30007US Net-tablet PC Standard Battery AC Adapter Active Matrix TFT Color LCDAtomAuto-focusBlackBluetooth 4.0Gorilla GlassHD Graphics (Gen7) In-plane Switching (IPS) TechnologyIntelLPDDR3LPDDR3-1067LenovoLenovo Group LimitedNet-tablet PCQuad-core (4 Core) SharedSlateThinkPad Tablet 10ThinkPad Tablet 10 20C30007US Net-tablet PCTouchscreen KeyboardWUXGAWindowsWindows 8.1 ProYesZ3795
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