Black Friday Deals 2014 lenovo ThinkPad Tablet DC Charger 0A36247 Don't Miss
Can be a safe in comparison product attributes and value. lenovo ThinkPad Tablet DC Charger 0A36247 is the perfect option to spend money on. Hot Deal lenovo ThinkPad Tablet DC Charger 0A36247
Price : $29.48 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Lenovo
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Product ID : db3a1fda5f692a273b1c1cefba7098b9
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If you are really thinking about to shopping for product at an exceptional quality together with a practical deal. We highly recommended this lenovo ThinkPad Tablet DC Charger 0A36247 is one of top-notch and more popular item product that you are looking for. Even if you research it meticulously regarding product description, attributes and valuable consumer testimonials, of course you need to certainly not decline to acquire it one. You could check out the up-to-date price from the web link below.
lenovo ThinkPad Tablet DC Charger 0A36247 Description
lenovo ThinkPad Tablet DC Charger 0A36247 Accessory Type: Charger Specifications: Cable Length: 0.8 m Connector Description: 8A fused cigar lighter plug Power supply type: Micro USB Weight: 0.03 lbs. Features: Get power when and where you need it with AC and DC chargers for the ThinkPad Tablet. The ThinkPad Tablet DC charger helps to keep your ThinkPad Tablet powered up when you're on the go. It easily plugs into your car's DC outlet. Includes a USB-to-Micro USB cable. Function: Internet Tablet
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lenovo ThinkPad Tablet DC Charger 0A36247
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$29.48 |