2014 Black Friday Lesro 500lb. Capacity Oversized Vinyl Guest Chair with Tablet Arm and Casters Mocha Vinyl/Black Tablet Arm/Brushed Steel Legs Right Now
When you have to in comparison product functions and cost. The Lesro 500lb. Capacity Oversized Vinyl Guest Chair with Tablet Arm and Casters Mocha Vinyl/Black Tablet Arm/Brushed Steel Legs is a nice decision to pay money for.
Price : $929.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Lesro
Merchant : National Business Furniture
Product ID : 364a8ce80da8ad1b5b2d82d4487143ff
Rating :
When you are likely thinking about to purchasing product at an excellent quality together with a sensible spending plan. We strongly recommended this Lesro 500lb. Capacity Oversized Vinyl Guest Chair with Tablet Arm and Casters Mocha Vinyl/Black Tablet Arm/Brushed Steel Legs is just one of top high quality and even more well-liked item product that you are seeking. Also if you study it carefully regarding item specification, features and useful consumer evaluations, naturally you should certainly not refuse to buy it one. You could look at the current price from the link under here.
![Lesro 500lb. Capacity Oversized Vinyl Guest Chair with Tablet Arm and Casters Mocha Vinyl/Black Tablet Arm/Brushed Steel Legs](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
Lesro 500lb. Capacity Oversized Vinyl Guest Chair with Tablet Arm and Casters Mocha Vinyl/Black Tablet Arm/Brushed Steel Legs Description
The Siena Collection 500lb. Capacity Oversized Vinyl Guest Chair with Tablet Arm and Casters presents a graceful, transitional design to your office or reception area. Thickly padded seat and back, along with fully upholstered arms, keep your guests comfortable during their visit. Extrawide seat is 25"W x 20"D. Feet are available in either brushed steel or wood in several natural colors. Tablet arm offers convenient surface for laptop or paperwork. Casters provide mobility. Assembly required. Q1631C3
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