Black Friday Sales Lexibook Kids Tablet Junior 2
Lexibook Kids Tablet Junior 2 on the market now, absolutely see current selling prices comparison and delivery accessible to get you the best bargain. Hot Offer Lexibook Kids Tablet Junior 2
Price : $129.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Lexibook S.A
Merchant :
Product ID : 8e3976a4cbf5071331a3071fceb7ad10
Rating :
One of top-notch item is include Lexibook Kids Tablet Junior 2 verified by a bunch of feedbacks through genuine buyers confirmed that Lexibook Kids Tablet Junior 2 is very good and useful product and be good for the money that they paid for. If you have any kind of problems regarding the features of the product or want to check the present price of the product. Exactly click on the hyperlink here, you will locate a affordable offers that undeniable.
Lexibook Kids Tablet Junior 2 Description
Lexibook Tablet Junior 2 : AndroidTM tablet with capacitive touch screen. Advanced parental control to secure the Internet browsing and the applications. Interactive Learning content included. Kids design user interface: a very intuitive interface and educational content that is specially adapted for youg children with a large number of activities for learning how to count, read and write. Manufacturer: Lexibook S.A Manufacturer Part Number: MFC280EN Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Lexibook Product Model: MFC280EN Product Name: Tablet Junior 2 Product Type: Kids Tablet Product Information: Gender: Unisex Product Information: Recommended Age: 4 Year Product Information: Age Group: Child Physical Characteristics: Color: Multi Package Contents: Tablet Junior 2 1 x DC Adaptor 1 x IM Country of Origin: China
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