Black Friday Sales 2014 Luxor LLTS12-B Laptop / Tablet Storage - Black Right Now
When you have to in comparison device features and cost. The Luxor LLTS12-B Laptop / Tablet Storage - Black is a nice substitute for actually purchase. Hot Deal Luxor LLTS12-B Laptop / Tablet Storage - Black
Price : $437.72 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Luxor
Merchant : Hayneedle
Product ID : d079029ed00049c39ee123bd6dd98b2a
Rating :
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Luxor LLTS12-B Laptop / Tablet Storage - Black Description
About Luxor Located in northern Illinois, Luxor designs, distributes, and markets an extensive line of quality specialty furniture for offices, schools, libraries, health care, and automotive facilities. These high-quality, cost-effective products improve workplace efficiency, performance, and productivity. Luxor's diverse product line includes mobile equipment tables, computer workstations, television mounting systems, book trucks, and more to keep your supplies organized and mobile. Each product is crafted from durable materials and is backed by a generous lifetime guarantee. Luxor is continually assessing the ever-changing needs of the workplace and developing new, innovative products to address these needs. Use these versatile products for a variety of applications to improve the comfort of your work environment.
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