Black Friday Deals 2014 Luxor Tablet Laptop Computer Charging Station LUXLLTS12B Review
Luxor Tablet Laptop Computer Charging Station LUXLLTS12B is truly a beneficial products at the good price, worth the cost. Awfully happy. Hot Offer Luxor Tablet Laptop Computer Charging Station LUXLLTS12B
Price : $826.30 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Luxor
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 07f42909a02ee16c0910bdd73eba1b5a
Rating :
The item features are superb and filled with quality of Luxor Tablet Laptop Computer Charging Station LUXLLTS12B is the significant factor that gets it one of the item you may pick up bought. In addition to, it is likewise friendly-budget to your pockets also. You could view the full item specification and look into wonderful promotions that have possibly been updated through the shop using click the web link below. You could locate the beneficial offer and you could not deny it, desire you have the very good offer.
Luxor Tablet Laptop Computer Charging Station LUXLLTS12B Description
* Free Shipping * This laptop cart comes complete with 12 outlet electrical assembly. It has front and rear locking acess doors. The LLTS12B has seven adjustabke shelves and is ventilated on all four sides. The overall dimensions are 23 5/5"Wx20 1/2"Dx39 3/4"H. The top surface is non slip. Assembly is required. The LLTS12B also has 4" casters two with locking brake. LUXLLTS12B. LLTS12B. Luxor Luxor Tablet Laptop Computer Charging Station. Stands & Cabinets Frame Material: Metal Shelf Material: Metal Shelf Number: 7 Shelf Type: Adjustable Number of Wheels: Four Caster/Wheel Size/Type: 4 Overall Dimensions: 23 5/8 Product Type: Laptop Cart Color: Black
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Luxor Tablet Laptop Computer Charging Station LUXLLTS12B
Merchant : Walmart |
$826.30 |