2014 Black Friday Deals Mulholland - Leather iPad Jotter - Stout Polished Leather
If you should in comparison item characteristics and cost. The Mulholland - Leather iPad Jotter - Stout Polished Leather is a fantastic option to decide to buy. Hot Offer Mulholland - Leather iPad Jotter - Stout Polished Leather
Price : $215.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Mulholland
Merchant : Shoebuy.com
Product ID : 7893822d7a118b5af65210b4f662598b
Rating :
The product attributes are outstanding and loadeded with high quality of Mulholland - Leather iPad Jotter - Stout Polished Leather is the main factor that allows it among the product you will really get owned. Plus, it is as well friendly-budget to your pockets too. You can view the full product description and take a look at wonderful deals that have really been upgraded coming from the shop via click the link below. You might look for the interesting offer and you could not refuse it, desire you get the very good price.
Mulholland - Leather iPad Jotter - Stout Polished Leather Description
Mulholland's update on the classic jotter. This iPad Jotter is a folding leather portfolio with three interior pockets to house business cards and files, plus an exterior padded zip-around compartment for a tablet. A daily organizer for appointments, lists and notes is included, as well as a leather pen strap. Accommodates any 8.5" x 11" notepad and fits tablets up to 9.50" H x 7.31" W x 0.34" D.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Mulholland - Leather iPad Jotter - Stout Polished Leather
Merchant : Shoebuy.com |
$215.00 |