Black Friday 2014 MultiDock Universal Tablet Charging Station, USB, Silver
MultiDock Universal Tablet Charging Station, USB, Silver for purchase today, really check out last selling prices comparison and shipping and delivery available for assist you in getting a huge selection. Hot Offer MultiDock Universal Tablet Charging Station, USB, Silver
Price : $689.97 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Griffin
Merchant : Zuma
Product ID : 4af61ede43b62badbc338f98cf1126a4
Rating :
In case that you are certainly searching to paying for item at an exceptional quality as well as a reasonable budget plan. We highly recommended MultiDock Universal Tablet Charging Station, USB, Silver is one of leading high quality and even more popular product product that you are looking for. Even if you learn it meticulously regarding product detail, attributes and practical customer testimonials, of course you need to not decline to purchase it one. You can take a look at the current price via the link under here.
MultiDock Universal Tablet Charging Station, USB, Silver Description
MultiDock is a single, space-efficient charging station for storing, charging, and syncing 10, 20 or even 30 iPad tablets or other devices. Its footprint is minimal: only slightly larger than a laptop computer. But in that space, each MultiDock unit packs storage, charging, and syncing capability for 10 tablets. Stack 3 MultiDocks together to sync 30 tablets in the same amount of counter space, from a single host computer. MultiDock uses Griffins exclusive ChargeSensor technology to optimize charging. ChargeSensor automatically detects the charging characteristics of each connected device and supplies the charging rate up to 10 watts (5 volts @ 2.1 amps) of charging power per bay each device needs for fastest, most complete charging. Connecting an iPad 4, iPad mini or other device that uses Apples new Lightning charge/sync connector automatically activates MultiDocks Quick Charge Mode. MultiDock charges these newer devices at the fastest possible rate, even while syncing, thus ensuring that your devices will be fully charged and ready when you need them. And you won't have to remove your tablets from their cases: each MultiDock charging bay accommodates even bulky protective cases. At 1.25" wide, MultiDock's charging slots are the widest available. MultiDock is designed for easily securing it on a table, desk, or countertop. Included hardware allows installations that stack up to three units in one space. Available wheels and handle kit make moving MultiDock safe and easy, and an available locking laptop tray secures MultiDock's host computer when it's in use or in storage. Adapter/Charger Type: Universal; For Device Type: MP3 players, smartphones, tablets and other USB chargeable devices; Power Source (s) : A/C; Connector/Port/Interface: USB.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
MultiDock Universal Tablet Charging Station, USB, Silver
Merchant : Zuma |
$689.97 |