2014 Black Friday National Public Seating Premium Tablet Arm Steel Folding Chair-2 Pack Right Now
National Public Seating Premium Tablet Arm Steel Folding Chair-2 Pack is truly good quality on exactly what it really does. Enable you to save money and time through decide to purchase at responsible shops online.
Price : $108.92 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : National Public Seating
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 6d1af3dace969a0d21c8c0b8adda009e
Rating :
One of great product is offer National Public Seating Premium Tablet Arm Steel Folding Chair-2 Pack accredited through a bunch of comments directly from genuine users confirmed that National Public Seating Premium Tablet Arm Steel Folding Chair-2 Pack is great and functional product and worth the money that they paid. If you have any type of concerns about the attributes of the product or want to examine the latest price of the product. Simply click the web link here, you will locate a budget friendly prices that undeniable.
![National Public Seating Premium Tablet Arm Steel Folding Chair-2 Pack](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
National Public Seating Premium Tablet Arm Steel Folding Chair-2 Pack Description
We took our best selling series 200 folding chair and we added a folding tablet arm writing surface. Fold the chair and the Tablet folds up against the chair and can be stored compactly. Tablets are 5/8" thick Particleboard with a high pressure Wilsonart laminate. In stock in either left or right handed in Beige with a Light Oak top or Gray with a Gray top. Sold in a pack of two. About National Public Seating National Public Seating provides seating products of the highest quality grade materials and craftsmanship for educational, religious, hospitality, government, commercial, and other institutional markets. Incorporated in 1997, National Public Seating is based in Clifton, N.J, and offers one of the nation's largest lines of quick-ship, in-stock folding chairs and tables, stack chairs, stools, and dollies. Other product lines include stages, risers, science tables, and mobile cafeteria tables. Their high-quality products are currently in use in tens of thousands of facilities nationwide. National Public Seating is committed to preserving the quality of their products and the quality of the environment. To this end, the company manufactures their products with varying percentages of pre- and post-consumer waste (recycled material) . All of the steel for their products contains 30-40% of post-consumer waste, and their plastic products contain up to 35% of pre-consumer waste. All of the wood used for their products comes from non-boreal forests. National Public Seating also uses powder-coat finishes instead of liquid finishes in order to prevent pollutants from being released into the atmosphere and to reuse retrieved overspray. All these efforts and more help their employees and customers be mindful of the environment. ANSI and BIFMA approved 22L x 11W inches tablet-arm 2 available color options Non-marring replacable guides U-shaped double-riveted back braces Table-arm is supported with 2 brackets Sold in a pack of 2
If you need to have help and advice concerning the pros and cons referring to National Public Seating Premium Tablet Arm Steel Folding Chair-2 Pack. The easiest way is you could take a look at it directly from the customer reviews regarding this product. The actual experiences of people that making use of the products that how they give star or rating for this item and just what they satisfied and dissatisfied concerning this item. The most important is this product is able to be put to work exactly just as you want or otherwise. This is among the important information you should find out.