Black Friday Sales 2014 Nebraska Cornhuskers Samsung Galaxy S3 Thinshield Case - Scarlet/Black Argyle Review
Nebraska Cornhuskers Samsung Galaxy S3 Thinshield Case - Scarlet/Black Argyle is definitely a very good items for a amazing price, worth every dollar. Completely joyful. Hot Offer Nebraska Cornhuskers Samsung Galaxy S3 Thinshield Case - Scarlet/Black Argyle
Price : $29.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Fanatics
Merchant : Fanatics
Product ID : 5482705b499ca3aa618d847c5c0a9699
Rating :
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Nebraska Cornhuskers Samsung Galaxy S3 Thinshield Case - Scarlet/Black Argyle Description
Much to the envy of your friends, you finally got the Samsung Galaxy S3 phone. Now, an entire galaxy of information is at your fingertipsincluding the latest scoop on your Huskers. Make sure that precious phone is protected from damage by covering it with this Nebraska Galaxy S3 Thinshield case. Made of hard shell polycarbonate and boasting a vibrant Nebraska logo on a teamcolored argyle background, this onepiece case features a softtouch plastic finish, giving you easy access to all of your phones features.
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Nebraska Cornhuskers Samsung Galaxy S3 Thinshield Case - Scarlet/Black Argyle
Merchant : Fanatics |
$29.95 |