Black Friday Sales NetShelter SX 42U Duct Kit for Cisco Nexus 7018 Instantly
NetShelter SX 42U Duct Kit for Cisco Nexus 7018 available on the market recently, really view latest prices comparison and delivery readily available for aid you in getting the hottest deal. Hot Offer NetShelter SX 42U Duct Kit for Cisco Nexus 7018
Price : $2419.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : APC
Merchant : MacMall
Product ID : c7759b9a5af55506be897fb5ac50eff5
Rating :
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NetShelter SX 42U Duct Kit for Cisco Nexus 7018 Description
Air distribution for power dense racks and low pressure areas.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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NetShelter SX 42U Duct Kit for Cisco Nexus 7018
Merchant : MacMall |
$2419.99 |