Black Friday 2014 Panasonic BTS CF-SX2JDAZ1M Business-Rugged Laptop
Panasonic BTS CF-SX2JDAZ1M Business-Rugged Laptop for purchase instantly, actually find most current prices comparison coupled with delivery suitable for assist you in getting a huge selection.
Price : $2249.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Panasonic BTS
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Product ID : 72103fa73c0073ac40bedb3b5f437727
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Among superb product is feature Panasonic BTS CF-SX2JDAZ1M Business-Rugged Laptop certified from a lot of feedbacks coming from genuine buyers verified that Panasonic BTS CF-SX2JDAZ1M Business-Rugged Laptop is excellent and useful product and worth the cash that they spent. If you have any type of concerns regarding the features of the product or want to check the current price of the item. Right now click on the hyperlink here, you will certainly locate a profitable prices that indisputable.

Panasonic BTS CF-SX2JDAZ1M Business-Rugged Laptop Description
"Panasonic CF-SX2JDAZ1M Brand New Includes Three Year Warranty, CF-SX2 Technical Features: Introducing the 3.1 lb. Panasonic Toughbook SX2. 33 thinner than the previous model, with an amazing 14.5 hours of battery life, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, the Toughbook SX2 was designed for the mobile professional. The Toughbook SX2 can handle up to a 30"" drop thanks to its tough magnesium alloy case and shock-mounted hard drive. Add to that the flexibility of supporting both USB 3.0 and 2.0, analog (VGA) and digital (HDMI) video, the latest SD card standard (SDXC) , a DVD drive, a webcam, a 12.1"" HD display and a easy to use circular scrolling touchpad, and you get a laptop that lets you do more than you ever expected. And not just at your desk. CF-SX2 Features: Core i5 3320M / 2.6 GHz, Windows 7 Pro, 4 GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, DVD SuperMulti, 12.1"" wide 1600 x 900 / HD, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Bluetooth 4.0 EDR with Toughbook Preferred, CF-SX2 Processor: 64-bit Computing: Yes, Clock Speed: 2.6 GHz, Features: Intel Smart Cache, Intel Turbo, Boost Technology 2.0, Generation: 3, Manufacturer: Intel, Max Turbo Speed: 3.3 GHz, Number of Cores: Dual-Core, Processor Number: I5-3320M, CF-SX2 Networking: Bluetooth Class: Class 2, Wired Protocol: Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless NIC: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205, Wireless Protocol: 802.11n, Bluetooth 4.0 EDR, CF-SX2 Storage Hard Drive: Capacity: 320 GB, CF-SX2 OS Provided: Edition: Windows 7 Professional, Family: Windows 7, Type: Micros"
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