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Peach Heart Mobile Power Bank 1800mAh Rechargeable External Backup Battery Charger for iPhone 5 Samsung HTC Nokia LG Tablet PC

Hot Offer Peach Heart Mobile Power Bank 1800mAh Rechargeable External Backup Battery Charger for iPhone 5 Samsung HTC Nokia LG Tablet PC
Price : $16.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : MC Power Electronic
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Product ID : f6d8c1cce3cd3079956784bddb5af8a9
Rating :

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Peach Heart Mobile Power Bank 1800mAh Rechargeable External Backup Battery Charger for iPhone 5 Samsung HTC Nokia LG Tablet PC

Peach Heart Mobile Power Bank 1800mAh Rechargeable External Backup Battery Charger for iPhone 5 Samsung HTC Nokia LG Tablet PC Description

Peach Heart Mobile Power Bank 1800mAh Rechargeable External Backup Battery Charger for iPhone 5 Samsung HTC Nokia LG Tablet PC Type: Battery Adapter Compatible Phone Manufacturer: Universal Adapter: Micro USB

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Peach Heart Mobile Power Bank 1800mAh Rechargeable External Backup Battery Charger for iPhone 5 Samsung HTC Nokia LG Tablet PC
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price as of : 2014-11-09