Black Friday 2014 Philips DS8800W/37 Fidelio SoundCurve Wireless Speaker with AirPlay for iPhone, iPod and iPad Right Now
Philips DS8800W/37 Fidelio SoundCurve Wireless Speaker with AirPlay for iPhone, iPod and iPad is actually a very good gadgets with a beneficial price, worth the cost. Really happy. Hot Offer Philips DS8800W/37 Fidelio SoundCurve Wireless Speaker with AirPlay for iPhone, iPod and iPad
Price : $180.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Philips
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 4bf403b35433165c4eb513d656c6ec4a
Rating :
In case you are likely thinking about to buying product at a really good high quality as well as a practical deal. We extremely suggested this Philips DS8800W/37 Fidelio SoundCurve Wireless Speaker with AirPlay for iPhone, iPod and iPad is one of top high quality and additional popular product item that you are trying to find. Even if you study it thoroughly concerning product information, attributes and practical consumer comments, obviously you need to not reject to acquire it one. You can check the recent price through the link below.
Philips DS8800W/37 Fidelio SoundCurve Wireless Speaker with AirPlay for iPhone, iPod and iPad Description
Philips DS8800W/37 Fidelio SoundCurve Wireless Speaker with AirPlay for iPhone, iPod and iPad: SoundCurve for superb sound reproduction FullSound enhances sound detail for rich and powerful sound Bass-reflex design for deep, tight bass reproduction 30W RMS total output power Stylish design in an aluminum and fabric finish Stream music with AirPlay wireless technology Charge your iPod/iPhone/iPad via USB port Auxiliary input for easy connection to almost any electronic device SoundStudio app for complete control of audio settings Remote control complements speaker design and finishing
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Philips DS8800W/37 Fidelio SoundCurve Wireless Speaker with AirPlay for iPhone, iPod and iPad
Merchant : Walmart |
$180.00 |