Black Friday 2014 Pipo M9 Wifi Quad Core 10" Tablet PC Retina Screen 2G RAM 16GB Android 4.2 Dual Camera Bluetooth Instantly
Pipo M9 Wifi Quad Core 10" Tablet PC Retina Screen 2G RAM 16GB Android 4.2 Dual Camera Bluetooth is very reasonable for what it definitely does. Protect you time and money via purchase at authentic stores online.
Price : $302.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : PIPO
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Product ID : 67fa265f47a2074f73344045d04a904c
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Pipo M9 Wifi Quad Core 10" Tablet PC Retina Screen 2G RAM 16GB Android 4.2 Dual Camera Bluetooth Description
Pipo M9 Wifi Quad Core 10" Tablet PC Retina Screen 2G RAM 16GB Android 4.2 Dual Camera Bluetooth GPU/VPU: Mali 400 MP4 Color: Black CPU Speed: 1.6GHz Resolution: 1280x800
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Pipo M9 Wifi Quad Core 10" Tablet PC Retina Screen 2G RAM 16GB Android 4.2 Dual Camera Bluetooth
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$302.99 | ![]() |