Black Friday Sale QVS Black USB Sync & Charger Cable for Samsung Galaxy Tab/Note Tablet AST-3M Instantly
QVS Black USB Sync & Charger Cable for Samsung Galaxy Tab/Note Tablet AST-3M is actually awesome for the things it totally does. Keep you money and time with actually buy at highly regarded online sites.
Price : $4.23 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : QVS
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Product ID : 226c9ff883382304a31f82d4949a04c9
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QVS Black USB Sync & Charger Cable for Samsung Galaxy Tab/Note Tablet AST-3M Description
QVS Black USB Sync & Charger Cable for Samsung Galaxy Tab/Note Tablet AST-3M Type: 30-Pin Cable Compatible Phone Manufacturer: Samsung Adapter: USB Length: 9.84 ft
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